On-Campus Housing

Welcome to GMU and living on campus!

As LGBTQ+, queer, trans, non-binary, and/or questioning folks, we need to be discerning as we consider where and with whom we want to live.

You will find links to Housing & Residence Life (HRL) resources below, but if you have any questions, are encountering any issues, or want to to talk through what your options are, email Lu GK at ckelemen@gmu.edu!

Gender Inclusive Housing

Check out HRL’s Gender Inclusive Housing information.

The LGBTQ+ Resources Center will also be hosting a meet-up for upper division / returning students interested in Gender Inclusive Housing alongside the Housing Grouping process, so students in our community will be able to connect with each other (in the early spring semester).

LGBTQ+ Residential Learning Community (RLC)

The LGBTQ+ Resources Center works collaboratively with Community Directors and LGBTQ+ RLC Resident Assistants to serve the students who are residents in the LGBTQ+ RLC floors.

Read more about the First Year LGBTQ+ RLC and the Upper Division LGBTQ+ RLC or contact our RLC Coordinator, Victoria Barrett, with any questions about the RLC and its programs at lgbtq@gmu.edu!

The LGBTQ+ RLC will also be hosting some open events so students who have been curious about the LGBTQ+ RLC can find out what it’s like to live in our community and have all the information they need to make the best choice for themselves when the Housing Application opens!