LGBTQ+ Resources Center

LGBTQ+ Student Showcase

In Fall 2024, The LGBTQ+ Resources Center, Graduate Student Life, and Women and Gender Studies are sponsoring Mason’s second annual LGBTQ+ Student Showcase! This one-day showcase event will spotlight Mason’s graduate and undergraduate students’ outstanding scholarly, research, and creative works through posters, oral presentations, and creative, visual, and performing arts that highlights the work done by LGBTQ+ identifying students at Mason. It will also feature a Keynote Luncheon with a speaker from our local community. 

LGBTQ + Student Showcase

Submit Your Proposal (after April 1, 2024) | Register to Attend

October 7th, 2024, 10:00 am- 5:00 pm, Merten Hall 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204

Call for Abstracts 

The call for proposals for the 2024 LGBTQ+ Student Showcase will open on April 1st, 2024. We invite all Mason graduate, professional, and undergraduate students to submit their abstracts (250 words maximum, including optional personal statement of 1-3 sentences) for consideration. We call for proposals from any discipline or area of study, which may be submitted by graduate, professional, and undergraduate students individually or in collaboration with their faculty. Proposals can be individual/group papers, documentaries, films, and visual presentations and performances. While the call for proposals is open only to current Mason graduate, professional, and undergraduate students, we allow students to submit works in which they collaborate with external researchers.   

The final deadline for presenters to submit their abstracts electronically is July 17, 2024, at 5pm.

Why Students Should Participate

The goal of the Showcase is to foster connectivity and initiate conversation among our LGBTQ+ graduate, professional, and undergraduate students by providing an academic community to practice submitting scholarly and creative proposals and presenting as researchers and practitioners. It also creates an avenue for students to connect with their colleagues, learn about emerging research topics, network with specialists in the field, and engage in constructive interdisciplinary conversations on works-in-progress.   

If prospective presenters have any questions about this program, please refer them to email the planning team at,  including “LGBTQ+ Showcase” in the subject of their email.