Transgender Awareness Week (TAW) is observed the week leading up to International Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), November 13-19.
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an internationally held event on November 20th to recognize and remember trans and nonbinary people who have died due to anti-trans violence in the past year. During Mason’s 2024 observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance we will hold space to acknowledge the losses of our last year and spread awareness about the continued violence against trans and non-binary folks.
Community events and opportunities to learn for Trans Awareness Week (TAW) 2024:
– 11/13 Intersectionals: Trans and Gender Expansive Affinity Spaces & TAW Kickoff, 5-6:30pm in The Ridge
– 11/14 Trans Awareness Week Tabling, 10:30am-2:30pm at SUB I Patriot’s Lounge Kiosk
– 11/15 QT Self-Defense Class, 4-6pm in the RAC Martial Arts Room (free for Mason Recreation members, $10 for visitors)
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) Vigil
Wednesday 20 November 2024: 5-7pm in the Johnson Center Bistro
During Mason’s 2024 observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance, the LGBTQ+ Resources Center and the Center for Leadership and Intercultural Engagement will hold a vigil to acknowledge the losses of our last year and spread awareness about the continued violence against trans and non-binary folks. We also invite folks who have lost transgender folks in their lifetimes to share those names during a special community space during the vigil. We know that grief and loss are processes that cannot be captured within one year, so there will be time to light a candle and honor their memory as well.
As we prepared to hold this year’s TDOR Vigil, we referenced two different lists, so we wanted to share those resources here for those of you who might be interested: