LGBTQ+ Resources Center

Programs & Services

LGBTQ+ Peer Mentoring Program

Trans Clothing Closet Resource 

QT BIPOC Initiative

On-Campus Housing

Assistance to Individual Students

We meet individually with students by appointment, drop-in meetings, and/or through phone, email, chat, and other virtual communication, providing mentoring, guidance, advocacy, support, information, and access to resources. Conversations focus on the specific needs of each student, as each student defines them, including:

  • Resource Referral/Connections
  • Personal and Relationship Concerns
  • Coming Out
  • Identity Development/Navigation
  • Accessing and Relating with the LGBTQ+ Community
  • Responding to Harassment, Homophobia, and/or Hate

Drop by during business hours to hang out and talk or contact us if you’d like to make an appointment.

Guidance to Student Groups/Organizations

We assist LGBTQ-related student groups and organizations. We assist the student leaders in developing their leadership skills and in helping their organizations meet the needs of their membership. We help groups grow in areas such as how they manage diversity, maintain membership interest and participation, organize events, develop resources, deal with conflict, conduct meetings effectively, and plan for the future.


We are available to assist Mason faculty, staff, and administrators; community members; members of other universities; and others on many LGBTQ-related issues and concerns they face. Examples include: handling classroom situations, curriculum development, policies and procedures, housing/residence life situations, LGBTQ health and mental health, LGBTQ resources, and staff training.