Events 2024-2025
Mason360 Events
Signature Events
These are events the LGBTQ+ Resources Center hosts or co-hosts over the course of every academic year
- Fall Lavender Orientation (typically in the first 1-2 weeks of the fall semester)
- LGBTQ+ History Month (series of events in October, including our LGBTQ+ Student Showcase)
- National Coming Out Day (October 11)
- Trans Awareness Week (week leading up to TDOR)
- International Transgender Day of Remembrance / TDOR (November 20th, though our Mason Observance usually falls on the Thursday before)
- Friendsgiving (usually falls on Monday of Thanksgiving week)
- Spring Lavender Orientation (typically in the first 1-2 weeks of the spring semester)
- Mason Pride Week (typically in March/April)
- Mason Pride Game (NCAA game, sometime either mid-fall or mid-spring)
- Lambda Awards (mid-late Spring semester)
- Lavender & Women and Gender Studies Graduation (typically the last week of April)
- Pride Month (series of events in June)